K12 - online education leader for grades K-12

online private school campaigns


Your child is front and center brochure

Shape your future. Elevate your strengths. Find your voice.


Snapshots of success: Blog interview with celebrity student from The Wannabes


Email to prospects from the headmaster

See why Hanna L. says "K12 is like a dream to me."


Kids in Bloom spring savings email

As part of the K12 international family, you know how much a young person's mind can blossom through online learning.


Time is running out to save on world languages


online public school campaigns


Brochure for Colorado Virtual Academy

The flexible nature of the K12 curriculum helps students pursue their passions - whether they enjoy ballet, Boy Scouts, karate, music, or engaging in a charitable cause.


Skate for Hope event

A sponsorship / testimonial ad wishing luck to Livvy, ice skater and Ohio Virtual Academy student


Talent showcase for Arizona Virtual Academy


Mall displays for the Mall of America


The George Washington University Online High School


Ad in Washingtonian magazine

To get into the college of your choice, go to the high school of your choice.


School flyer


Snapshots of success: Blog interview with the musical Von Grey sisters

"We see our lives as a constantly moving puzzle, because we have a lot to fit in." - Annika


Email to prospects from the headmaster

Your star student deserves star treatment.


Cumberland University


Letter sent to health facility heads of staff in middle Tennessee

Increasingly, online education has been a win/win for many professionals and their employers.


Poster part of influencer kit


60-second radio spot


Email to registered nurses





back to school and specialty programs


Flyer for Agora Cyber Charter School

Join us for your best year ever! Back to School 2011


SEM landing page - are you happy with your high school?


Summer school flyer for K12 partner schools 


Online school ad for inner-city adult learners in Chicago

Fast track your way to graduation.







The Keystone School


Email - a tale of three graduates - from the headmaster

As Provost, I'm always impressed by how our graduates do in college. But I'm never surprised.


Flyer for parents


Trinity International University


Adult student testimonial slick

At TIU Online Campus, devotion to learning, to God, and to each other all comes together.


Insert for influencer bag


60-second radio spot - listen to the MP3